sports medicine

i'm dr  pc
a senior consultant orthopedic surgeon
practicing orthopedics gentle
and trauma in the trauma arthroscopy
and replacements which includes the knee
replacement shoulder replacement as well
as the
hip replacement and specialized in
orthoscoping sports medicine unlike
in bone problems bone fractures and all
knee ligament injuries and ligament
patients do not have to bother about any

Food to repair ligaments|How to strengthen knee ligaments?

food here the food is not going to heal
your ligament only thing is they have to
take care of themselves
is a good exercises good strengthening
the the
muscles which is weakened after the
surgery or after taking a long
with the rest of the injury so food like
unless what we encourage if the food is
they can have a good vitamins
and good protein apart from that unless
and they should not go on
put on their weights so if they maintain
the strength of the muscles
and a good rehab with an exercises they
can come back to the
nail sports activities or their
individual's priory
injury activities to as early as
